Gordon Ramsay Learns How to Make a Beef Rendang in Malaysia

Gordon Ramsay Learns How To Make A Beef Rendang In Malaysia Gordons Great Escape

Gordon Ramsay Learns How To Make A Beef Rendang In Malaysia Gordons Great Escape

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While travelling around Malaysia, Gordon Ramsay helps an auntie prepare a beef rengdang. Yoseph Rahul: Dear Mr. Gordon ramseyIve just see this video and i interested about this, Rendang is bassically from people of minang from Indonesia, west sumatera exactlly. The recipe was bring by people of minang long long time ago when they migration to Malaysia while they introduce their culture to the other people and make them always remember their hometown. not only minang, there is java, sunda, and many more, that what makes our culture so similiar between Indonesia and Malaysia. You can type rendang on google and you will find and look where rendang come from, i dont hate when many Malaysian says oh, here we go again, Indonesian start claim again i can understand maybe they dont read, listen the history and i tell the truth and the world know the rendang come from Indonesia. Mean of aga-aga the right ways is agak-agak is to estimate the recipenot to a little bit, not to much. The other fact that you should know that rendang have many kind in west sumatera cause every place have their own specific rendang. I love watch your video when you critism a food from many place, that what make i see your video and find this video. Im sorry if my english not so good, i hope you understand. Cheers from Indonesia
Date: 2019-05-31

Comments and reviews: 9

People (especially Indonesians)Before there was Indonesia, before there was Malaysia, before there was Singapore, we all were the same people really. We shared the same language, the same religions, the culture and the same food. We were separated not by land but by kingdoms at the time. Even then, each kingdoms respect each others. Then the European imperialist separated us. So I ask this to the Indonesians since your ignorance is showing. When we were divided, what if the British took half of Sumatera along the place where rendang originated from? Another half (without Rendang) became part of the Dutch. And what if when Indonesia was founded, it was only half of Sumatera (without Rendang. What if another half of Sumatera (including Rendang) became part of Malaysia? You know how ridiculous it would sound if this new Malaysia claimed Rendang belong to them right? Same thing here. If only you folks can see instead of blinded by foolish nationalism.

Masakan Rendang berawal dan berasal dari Minang di Sumatra Barat. Saat ini Minang adalah wilayah Indonesia, jadi lebih tepat dan lebih layak jika Rendang dikatakan makanan dari Indonesia. Orang Indonesia terutama pihak dari Kedutaan Besar Indonesia dan juga Rakyat Indonesia harus lebih aktif memperkenalkan Warisan Budaya dan Kuliner dari Indonesia. Aktor Iko Uwais bisa juga menjadi duta untuk makanan dari Minang. Malaysia seperti kurang kreatif dan aktif untuk menciptakan sesuatu yang bisa menjadi atau bisa dikatakan budaya asli Malaysia.

Gosh, rendang is Indonesian food that is typical Indonesian, why is it in Malaysia, why does Malaysia always claim Indonesian culture as its culture? obviously its history originates from Indonesia for a long time and malays spread to the country and make it famous and claim it is the culture that Malaysia is the cultural thief many times Malaysian people dont know their cultural history even though it comes from pure Indonesia until the government oppresses Malaysia as Indonesian cultural thief

Come on guys, its malaysian rendang style, but yes rendang is from indonesia (minangkabau actually). Maksud gua ya gausah koar koar cuma karena rendang original nya dari indonesia, bangga lah harusnya ada orang2 luar sana yg populerin rendang, dan secara ga langsung mereka akan nanya aslinya rendang dari negara mana, bikin malu indonesia ajalu pada koar2 ngatain negara tetangga, kita tau lah negara kita indonesia ini lebih dari mereka secara sejarah&budaya kan ya. Peace humans.

dear mr. gordon, actually if you want to learn how to make a beef rendang, you might come to West Sumatera, Indonesia. Because rendang is an original dish from there. Because of west sumatera not so far away from malaysia, thats why them cook it too. However, you come to learn how to cook rendang because of one the master chef participant which come from malaysia cooked rendang. So its okay. I just give you an information, hehe. I love your Gordons great escape video. Keep it up mr.

Last year, in 1 MasterChef program there was a jury discussing the cooking of a Malaysian cooked rendang chicken. The jury is concerned about why the chicken is not crispy? the chicken is like meat too, it is not dried fried to be crispy. which I wonder, the jury of the question is familiar with asian countries such as malaysia, singapore and indonesia but why is he questioning about the crispy chicken rendang? LOL

Sebenarnya ga perlu kepancing marah-marah. Saya sebagai orang minang menganggap itu hal wajar, karena negri sembilan itu rantauan orang minang. Jadi wajar aja saudara kita yang di malaysia bisa masak rendang. coba deh kalian mikir masalah gini dibesar-besarin. ketika jokowi kalah di sumatra barat, malah pendukung jokowi beramai-ramai boikot nasi padang. Kalian maunya apa sih?

I declaring to that cheff its coming from his mouth real malay food randang is indonesian food. n iam not talking to any malaysian people ok clear that cheff supouse to know the real is indonesian not malay what ever you wanna say you know its indonesian randang is randang from indonesia.

Hiii ramsay. Im from indonesia and i want to know you if beef rendang isnt classuc malay dish but beef rendang ordinary from indonesia and its record to museum record the word. Rendang is dish delucius no 1 in the word. And you big wrong if you call beef rendang is a classic malay dish

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Source: https://zakruti.com/food/gordon_ramsay/video-299

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