While the world might make you think that your vagina is supposed to smell like roses and daisies all the time, that couldn't be farther from the truth. Vaginas are supposed to smell. There's good bacteria in there working hard to make sure your vagina stays healthy. The question isn't really whether it smells. It's more of 'what exactly does it smell like?' Like does your discharge smell bad, but not fishy, or does it smell yeasty? Your natural aroma is nothing to worry about, but if your vagina smells like something you're totally not used to, then a trip to the doctor wouldn't hurt. In the meantime, here are six common vaginal odors and what they might be trying to tell you.

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1. Garlic, onions, or another type of food.

Your breath isn't the only thing affected by a garlicky meal or a strong cup of coffee —fragrant foods can change your vaginal odor, too. As anyone who's peed after eating asparagus can tell you, certain foods can cause some funky smells as they make their way out of your body. That doesn't mean you should skip your favorite foods — just wash them down with plenty of fluids. "If you're really active, and you're drinking a lot of water and flushing everything out, I would anticipate that the smell would go away much more quickly," says Christine O'Connor , MD, director of Well Woman and Adolescent Care at the Institute for Gynecologic Care at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore. Alternatively, some foods may make your vagina smell good. Rumor has it, pineapple will make your privates smell sweet, though there is no science to prove it.

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2. Musky and sweaty.

Um, we don't really want to compare vaginas to armpits, but the thing is, they can both get a little funky after a cardio sesh. "That area's probably not going to be too pleasant after an intense workout," Dr. O'Connor says. Of course, the heart-healthy benefits of exercise far outweigh any worries about vaginal odor, and it's nothing a quick rinse can't fix. "Even for people who have a strong odor after a workout, a shower should get things back to normal," Dr. O'Connor adds.

3. Yeasty.

While your vagina does contain a small amount of yeast, if it starts smelling like a bakery down there, something might be wrong. This could be a sign of a yeast infection, especially when it is accompanied by white and clumpy discharge. A yeast infection can be caused by hormones, antibiotics, certain cleansers, or anything that throws off the gentle balance of fungus and bacteria in your vagina. Don't worry, the infections are easily treatable. So, if you have any of the symptoms, just call your doctor and get checked out.

4. Metallic.

If you're smelling something metal down there, it probably just means you're on your period. Blood contains iron, so the smell often accompanies that time of month. The odor should pass once your flow is finished, but you can wash out your vagina with water if it lingers.

5. Something rotten.

When your flow is light, and your tampon does its job, you may forget it's in there — after all, isn't the whole point of tampons that you don't really notice them? In a worst-case scenario, this can lead to an extremely rare, but potentially deadly, condition called Toxic Shock Syndrome. If you have any other symptoms of TSS — like dizziness, nausea, or diarrhea — remove the tampon and get to a doctor, stat. More likely, though, a wayward tampon will just lead to a build-up of bacteria, which can cause a foul, rotten odor. If you finished your period within the past week, this could be the culprit. "An easy way to check is to just sweep into the vagina with a clean finger and see if you can feel anything," Dr. O'Connor says. "If you're not sure, see a doctor for them to check." Don't worry — they've most likely seen it before and won't judge. Once the tampon is removed, things should return to status quo pretty quickly.

6. Fishy.

Worst-case, a funky, fishy odor could be a sign of a vaginal infection like bacterial vaginosis, a fairly common infection caused by an upset pH balance in your vagina. But odor usually isn't the only symptom of bacterial vaginosis, so ask yourself if you've noticed anything else unusual. "A much more common symptom for bacterial vaginosis would be an abnormal discharge — potentially a slightly different color with itching and irritation in the vaginal area," Dr. O'Connor says. "For pelvic inflammatory disease, the most common symptom is pain in the pelvic area." If you notice either of those symptoms, give your doctor a call.

Bottom line: Most vaginal odors aren't anything to worry about, so as long as a shower clears thing up, you're probably good to go. Try wearing breathable underwear to help prevent odors in the future. "The more breathable fabrics you're wearing, the less you notice [odors] because you're able to get some air flowing in there," Dr. O'Connor says. Also, just remember that even though you might think the odor is super strong, you're probably the only one who notices it. Don't try to cover up your vaginal odor with soaps or douching because that will throw off your pH balance and often cause even worse odors. "The skin and tissues [around your vagina] are actually quite sensitive," Dr. O'Connor said. A shower with mild soap is all the "feminine hygiene" you need. If the funky odor lingers after you clean it, it's worth talking to your doc to check for any possible infections and put your mind at ease.