Maharaja the Game of Palace Building in India Review

Originally released in 2004, Maharaja: The Game of Palace Building in India is a game by superstar designers Wolfgang Kramer and Michael Kiesling. After existence out-of-print for many years, this game is returning in an all-new version from Cranio Creations. How does it hold upward after 17 years? Permit's take a await.


It's no secret that I love games from Wolfgang Kramer and Michael Kiesling. In the past, I owned the original Maharaja for many years played it many times. It is a very practiced game (spoilers for my overall review, I estimate), though 1 that I did eventually part with during a collection alternative for reasons I will discuss later. When I heard it was being re-released, I was excited to bank check out the new version.

In this game, players compete to build travel routes, statues, and shrines effectually India in hopes of gaining the favor of the noble Maharaja. The game is played on a large map lath, consisting of 7 cities connected past roads. Each route features 2 villages where shrines tin can be placed. All players have a priest marker in their color, which they will move about the map every bit they visit dissimilar locations. All priests start on a central space.

Priests on the starting space, with shrines in the surrounding villages.

Before the beginning turn, each player places iv shrines in villages around the board. Throughout the game, players volition movement their priests from city to city, visiting village shrines along the fashion; a road that does not have shrines in both of its villages cannot exist traveled.

If a player owns a shrine in a village, they may freely laissez passer through that village at any fourth dimension. However, if the only shrines in a village belong to opponents, the player must pay each of those opponents in club to pass through.

Each player besides keeps a personal tableau.

In every circular of the game, the Maharaja (grey figure) visits a dissimilar metropolis; his current city is scored at the stop of each round. In preparation for his visit, each actor secretly selects 2 actions to execute. Deportment are selected using dials.

The available actions are:

  • Build a statue at a discount of 1 coin. Statues must be built in cities. Normally, they cost 12 coins if placed in the center of a metropolis, and 10 if placed effectually the exterior. This action, then, makes them toll 11 or 9 coins, respectively.
  • Build a shrine at a disbelieve of ane coin. Shrines normally price 1 coin, so this activeness makes them complimentary. A shrine can be placed in a village or a city.
  • Build a statue and a shrine, paying the full toll for both.
  • Build 2 shrines, at least one of which must be in a urban center.

Each metropolis bears 7 statue spaces. The six effectually the outside toll 10 coins each, and the eye space costs 12. Players can also build shrines in the city; they are simply placed along the outer ring.

  • Take 3 coins.
  • Gain 2 shrines from the supply.Players begin the game with 8 shrines in their color. If they wish to identify more of them, they must apply this action to gain extras from the full general supply.
  • Spend three coins to proceeds ii VP.
  • Exchange characters.Each round, players select graphic symbol roles that determine turn gild and provide special abilities. This action allows players to swap roles, which tin can touch on plow society.
  • Change the Maharaja track .The Maharaja's movements are determined by a series of tokens on a track; each circular, he moves to the metropolis matching the next token in line. By irresolute the lodge of these city tokens, players can influence where he will movement in the coming round(s).

The tokens on the Maharaja track determine where he volition motility in the coming rounds.

Building statues and shrines is the crux of the game. It is the primary way for players to earn points. After all players take carried out their deportment, the Maharaja's current city is scored. To do this, players check to encounter who has the most influence in the city:

  • The statue in the center is worth 3 influence
  • All other statues are worth ii influence each
  • All shrines in the city are worth 1 influence each
  • The priest, if present, is worth 1 influence (he is required to build statues, then he is often present in the urban center during scoring)

– Red earns 5 points (ii for the outer statue, two for the shrines, and 1 for the priest)
– Yellow earns 2 points (1 for the shrine and 1 for the priest)
– Blue earns 4 points (3 for the key statue and 1 for the priest)

Coins are and so awarded based on influence ranking. (Ties become to the player with the lower-numbered role.) The payouts scale depending upon the number of players:

To proceed the above instance, red would earn 12 coins, blue would earn 9, and yellow would earn 6.

Each actor present in the metropolis likewise earns a special reward tile (a change from the original version of the game).

The Maharaja then moves to his next city and another circular takes place. The game continues until either the 7th circular, or until the round in which a player builds their last statue. When either of these things happens, the game ends. Postgame points are then awarded for statues on the lath, coins in players' supply, and metropolis majorities. The player with the most points wins!

At the start of this review, I mentioned that I had previously culled my re-create of the original Maharaja. While I very much enjoyed the game, information technology had a single consequence that seemed trivial just was actually very pregnant: the ratio of statue values. In the original version, a statue in the center of a city was worth iii influence, but the statues around the exterior were only worth 1 each (instead of two like in this new version).

In practice, this near always meant that the outset person to reach the Maharaja's metropolis – unremarkably the start player in turn order – would grab the middle space and therefore current of air upwardly with the most influence at the end of the circular. This in turn meant that they would go the virtually coins, so they would take actress spending power in the next circular, and so on and then on. In other words, the original edition had a "rich get richer" runaway leader problem.

The unproblematic tweak of making the outer statues worth two influence instead of one makes all the departure in the world. Players are still incentivized to claim central spaces rapidly, but it doesn't feel like a lost crusade if they tin't. Past earning 2 points to an opponent's 3, rather than only 1, players however feel like they tin compete if someone else gets an early on lead.

There are several other changes/additions in the 2021 version ofMaharaja. Most notably, there are far more character roles included in this edition, 16 in total. This gives the game lots of replay value, as players can mix and match characters to see how their powers interact. The reward tokens are another new addition, as are the statue spaces with bonuses on them. None of these changes fundamentally alter the feel of game, merely they give information technology some extra versatility.

The production quality of the new edition is squeamish, with a gigantic board and over 100 plastic pieces. The only issue – and it's a featherbrained one – is that the action dials don't fit in their designated spaces atop the role player boards.

As you lot can see in the prototype above, the arc where the dials are supposed to sit down is a pilus too small, which creates an bad-mannered gap. Obviously, this doesn't impact gameplay in whatever way, but information technology will bulldoze perfectionists crazy, guaranteed. Too this issue, however, I take no other criticisms of the product.

Overall, I am delighted to encounterMaharaja back in impress, especially with a fleck of fine-tuning. Now that a shiny new version of this classic is on store shelves, I hope that a whole new generation of gamers tin can bank check it out!

A review copy was provided past Asmodee.


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